Wednesday 23 May 2007

And so it is today...






yearning for more...

searching for something unique, powerful...

something that resonates...

will ask again and again...

purpose? has no purpose except what individuals give it through their actions. If individuals are capable of making choices about how they live, are those choices what create meaning?

and can someone please talk to me about freedom...what is it? because it is pretty obvious we are not free from freedom purely an ability? is freedom an ability to take a stand toward these conditions? and if that is what freedom is, it isn't necessarily very profound or mysterious...merely just practical...and that makes me sad...

i feel lost...i feel like my Christianity has become enough to live but nothing to live you know what I mean? surely it should be the other way around...forgive me Lord for my mumbling Spirit...

such babbles and i need to be gone...

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