Sunday 9 September 2007

that all who love Your name may be filled with joy

"Who told you that you were naked? he asked, "Have you been eating from the tree I forbade you to eat?"
Ricky, your helping me think today...

Thursday night...surprised by joy.

R, told me to sit inbetween her legs, she wanted to french plait my hair...I felt like I was five again, just out of a bath, sitting by the fire with my mum holding me, drying each of my curls, one at a time...

She left my hair soft, she left me malleable...

B, on my other side...she was nursing many ways righteous, in many ways in pain...her stare was cold, her eyes frozen...

The police came and went, men came and went....T came and went...
The four of us lingered, we lingered in a air where we found breathe...

Emma and I read Psalm 5 to B...her anger no longer a dead end.
The four of us being touched by a love that was indeed ineffable.

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