Saturday 12 April 2008

We would rather be ruined than changed...

My week has passed...I have been in town on several occasisons.

There was little linkage between the seen and an unseen world of justice, truth and love.

Does belief make things real?
Make things feel alright?
Does belief make things true?
Things like and I ?

Today, our ladies rest in my mind...

Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

Children chave no fixed preconceptions of reality.

Children know how to accpet a gift.

Children know how to trust.

Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven? The disciples asked this because they were trying hard, and Jesus showed them a child who in all probability neither knew nor much cared to know what the Kingdom of Heaven was nor what such a question might mean. And then He told them to become like that little chiild - neither knowing in the sense of understanding nor caring in the sense of being anxious. (Frederick Buechner)


Anonymous said...

There is always a lie in beLIEf, like the con, in CONvinced.

Whichever we choose, even if we felt it to be the truest of the true...the realest of the real...we would also knit it out of the fabric of our own consciousness, the translucent flesh of our it would always be a story, and always in someways be an illusion. Luckily we are all equal in that. This frees us from having to buy into a story we don't like. We tend to believe the story we like.

But does belief help us be-life? or do life? or feel more alive? which beLIEf would facilitate this? is one better then another?

Most of us feel too guilty to live the happier, better life anyways, and we settle for the beLIEf in Original Sin, and tainted flesh.

sorry...just rambled!

Anonymous said...

I always find the language of "change" problematic...cos it is so often uttered from the mouths of those who loathe themselves...and feel not good enough as they are...and that even the "change for the better" ends up being another striving to be something that they are. It is important to realise, that most of us exist in a state, that is the changed-state. once we were. once we just exuded who we were. at some point, there was birthed, the idea that what we were in that state, was to be seen with shame, or disapproval. So, when we talk about change...let us remember, that the only good change could come from stopping trying to change. learn who we are. learn what it is in us we are running away from. each of us has a beggar on the streets of our souls. do we walk past with criticism, ignorance, or do we applaud the poor accordion playing?

Sarah g said...

You know me, well. Thank you.

There are only hints and guesses, hints followed by guesses; and the rest is prayer, observance, discipline, thought and action (Elliot).

Anonymous said...

just to amend my last comment...

this is how it should have read...

"and that even the "change for the better" ends up being another striving to be something that they are not."

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said on 15 April ....
The word games you choose Anonymous, (LIE, CON) are so very lite on truth. When compared to "No one gets to the Father but by Me", this certainly sticks a fork in anyone's doubt - plain, simple facts from Jesus to the world.

Raindog said...

To Anon # 2, (i will reveal something more of my identity this time)and will no longer hide under anonymity here.

Light on truth is a very interesting turn of phrase. And, yes, you have caught me on...i do indeed love word plays...and love playing with words...spinning them around like a round-a-about. I think our lives, our longings and our struggles give birth to words.

And, as such, words, I beLIEve do not correlate directly with reality...they merely throw darts at it, hoping to hit an ever elusive target...there we are, throwing darts, hoping for anchors.

And, so, there are words like Truth...which I do indeed hope is something I am light on...for the more i rest on Truth, the more i rest on my little darts, and they are just words, thrown out... we are stitching together a security blanket out of words and longings, and hoping that if i hide myself in my security blanket for long enough, the scarier world outside will disappear, and the blanketed world will become real.

Truth, Faith, Hope, Love, Justice, Freedom, Beauty, God

Big words...Butterfly words...Glue words...Closet words...Loaded words

What do they facilitate for you Anon?