Thursday 18 December 2008

"to become human implies two realities. It means to be someone, to have cultivated our gifts, and also to be open to others, to look at them not with a feeling of superiority but with eyes of respect. It means to become men and women with the wisdom of love. For this, we often need help. For many, as for myself, religion can be a gentle source of strength and love, as can a mentor or wise friend.
...the future of humanity is not just in the hands of politicians and of corporations but in our hands. Peace will come through dialogue, through trust and respect for others who are different, through inner strength and a spirituality of love, patience, humility, and forgiveness. Little by little, a culture of competition will be transformed into a culture of welcome and mutual respect. The crises that will come will then not just be moments of danger but opportunities for dialogue and unity, and solutions will emerge."
Jean Vanier

1 comment:

Raindog said...

i find this interesting.

to become human

as if we are not all human

aren't we all human...even if we are being selfish...maybe moreso when we are being selfish...being entirely human...even when we are being neglectful of others...maybe moreso, when we are being neglectful of others...being human.

what is it to be human?

what is it to be humane?

what is it to humanise?

is humanising someone, just being nice to them, and loving them in the way that we feel is best?

i wonder if trying to be a better human, is trying to be the better version of ourselves...trying to live up to the more acceptable version of ourselves. as if there is a big parent in the sky, who we have to keep sweet with our acceptable behaviour.

which child is unacceptable?
at what point is behaving like a child not acceptable?

we are not innocent. we never were. innocence is a myth told by the bitter, after having learned the disappointing truth of who they are...of how life is...even though it was never anything else...and they were never anything else.

anyways...just some thoughts